Save Fuel with Your Boat

DECREASE WEIGHT                         

Remove anything from the boat that is unnecessary weight. Try to find 5 things that you can do without. Seriously, anything helps. Shedding those 5 items may decrease your watercraft by several pounds, and therefore help with fuel efficiency. You can try shedding a few passengers too, but that may be harder (and meaner).



 With the remaining weight you have aboard, distribute it evenly. Any uneven weight can cause the watercraft to sway in a certain direction and effect how the craft handles. Most importantly, don’t put all the heavy objects at the front of craft. Not only will this negatively affect your gas consumption, but it is a major safety risk.  



Before hitting the water, check that all parts (especially the engine) are working properly. You wouldn’t want to be in the middle of the water when you realize that something isn’t right with the engine. Not only would this ruin the day, and probably result in a big repair bill, but there would be a ton of wasted gas. Proper maintenance checks should be done throughout the season, with an in-depth version at the very start of season. For tips on outboard motor maintenance, click here.



Operate the boat in a smooth and steady fashion. Don’t drastically crank up the speed constantly throughout the day. This is a total waste of gas. Try to maintain a constant speed and it’ll increase your fuel efficiency. Use cruise control as much as possible.



Finally, know where you’re going and how to get there. This will become routine with experience and getting familiar with the waters you are operating in. If you’re new to a boating location, do some research online beforehand. Getting to your destination without unnecessary detours are a great way to save on gas. Once you get to that destination, drop your anchor and put the engine in neutral.



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